Borrowing firearms for polar bear protection

The Governor of Svalbard processes applications for permits to borrow firearms for persons entered in the population register, or for resident/visiting foreigners in Svalbard. Persons living on the mainland must apply for a loan permit in their own police district. Private individuals over the age of 18 who have a valid Norwegian firearms license or a valid European firearms passport can borrow weapons without applying.

Published 6/20/2019, Updated 5/27/2024

When applying for a loan licence, an electronic application form is used (see link on this page).

All applicants must meet the general requirements for age, character and personal characteristics laid down in §§ 15, 16 and 17 of the Arms Act.

Foreigners are requested to attach a police certificate not older than three months.

When applying for a loan permit for firearms for polar bear protection, the same conditions apply as for the acquisition of firearms for this purpose, cf. § 5-7 of the Weapons Regulations.

Applicants must document that they have sufficient firearms skills. This could, for example, be completed national service in the armed forces, activity in an approved firearms organization, entry into the Norwegian hunters' register or documented completion of an approved safety course in firearms handling. 

It is the applicant's duty to attach such documentation to their loan application. All documentation for the application must be translated into Norwegian or English.

The borrowed firearm must not be handed over to others, not even in connection with handing over the firearm from the lender/retailer or when returning it.

The person who borrows the firearm must fill in a lending declaration in accordance with new firearms regulations § 6-9 (see link on this page).

The period for lending must be clearly stated in the lending declaration.

The firearm card/borrowing permit and loan statement must be brought with you and must be able to be shown when checked by the police or supervisory authority.

The fee for obtaining permission to borrow weapons is NOK. NOK 248.