Border of Travelers to and from Svalbard

From 6 May, the Governor will have the opportunity to carry out ID control of travelers to and from Svalbard by plane and boat. - To begin with, the inspections will be sporadic, and primarily concentrated on charter flights that come directly to Svalbard from abroad, says Chief Superintendent Stein Olav Bredli.

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Published 5/5/2022

The rules on border control of travelers to and from Svalbard are based on a separate regulation to the new Borders Act, which came into force on 1 May this year.

- It is necessary to establish border control also on Svalbard, so that we are better equipped to prevent, among other things, cross-border crime, safeguard public order and other national needs, and ensure the fulfillment of our international obligations, says Minister of Justice and Emergency Management Emilie Mehl.

- Together with the government's proposal to introduce control of the movement of goods to and from Svalbard, this will strengthen the Norwegian authorities' ability to control the archipelago, says Emilie Mehl.