Who are considered to be a tour operator?

According to the “Regulations relating to tourism, field operations and other travel in Svalbard” (Turistforskriften), you are defined as a tour operator if you, for a fee, organise a trip to or in Svalbard with associated services such as transport, accommodation and activities.

Published 6/20/2019, Updated 11/10/2023

A fee is also counted as payments that are made to cover any expenses without a profit being made. In other words, if you plan to organise activities such as a boat cruise, snow scooter trip, ski trip or other excursions in Svalbard, you are considered a tour operator. Sailing associations that arrange trips for their members are considered tour operators.

Tour operators in Svalbard are subject to special rules. These include the “Regulations relating to tourism, field operations and other travel in Svalbard”. If you are planning activities as a tour operator in Svalbard, you must read the regulations carefully.